Written By: Bill Britton
But I have said, and will say it once more…
that our God has spoken, His voice did roar.
He will send forth a people, who are humble and plain;
He will cause them to descend as a great latter rain.
Anointed of God, to the nations they’ll go.
From the mountain of God like a River they’ll flow.
They are sealed by His Spirit, marked as His own;
They speak with authority, for they sit in His throne.
They have not sought for escape, nor a flight to the sky.
But in the realms of the Spirit, they’ve ascended so high.
They have no reason to fear, nor a cause for dread.
There is hope for all, for even the dead.
For those in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son,
Shall arise and know that He is the One.
There is one Over-comer, one Son, and one King.
When this truth breaks upon you, it’ll cause you to sing.
You are bone of His bones, and you are one with the Head;
His image you’ll bear, and Adam you’ll shed.
Well, Glory to God, don’t you see what I mean?
The filth is all gone, and now you are clean.
Holy and pure, as the Father above;
His commandment fulfilled, because of His love.
You see, I speak as a prophet of the Jubilee year.
It’s not far off, but I declare it is near.
Be ready, be ready, oh dear friend of mine;
His glory is rising, upon you to shine.
The night is far spent, a new day is breaking;
The darkness is fleeing, hell’s gates are now shaking.
The demonic hordes are trembling in fear,
God’s Army is rising, His coming is near.
Rejoice I say, rejoice every one,
for the sound that you hear is the voice of the Son.
He marches to battle; He knows no defeat;
His Army is great, and the victory is sweet.
Every enemy of God shall go down in the fray,
Every pain, every sorrow shall vanish that Day.
He’ll prove Himself a wise God to be,
And He’ll do it on earth that creation might see.
Out of sin He hath called me,
His word to declare;
Those who believe His glory will share.